There are currently no Public Hearings scheduled.
Public hearings are formal proceedings that follow rules set out by provincial legislation. The date and time of a public hearing is set by council motion and advertised at least 2 weeks prior on this website. Notices to all titled land owners will also be mailed a minimum of 2 weeks prior.
A Public Hearing is held for the purpose of Council receiving comments from the public, either in person, by attorney or by letter. At the Public Hearing, any person present who believes that his or her interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Council wants to hear from you.
It is important to note and understand that Council has not made up its mind on the issue. While a Council member may have a position on an issue, they each come to the Hearing with an open mind, to listen to and hear from the public. You are being given the opportunity to persuade each member of Council to your way of thinking. Each person does make a difference. Please speak up.
No member of the public who deems his or her interest in property is to be affected will be, or should feel, discouraged, intimidated or otherwise prevented from making his or her views known. Therefore, please refrain from applause or other expressions of emotion whether you favour or oppose any particular application or argument. Inappropriate language, outbursts or criticisms aimed at individuals or groups will not be condoned.
If you would like to speak at the Hearing and there are several speakers, a Speaker’s List may be used.
- Please sign your name and residential address on the speaker’s list.
- Speakers will be called in order from the list.
- Begin your comments by stating your name and address, and whether you are ‘in favour’ or ‘opposed’ to the item.
- Your comments must be specifically related to the subject of the Bylaw and be directed to the Chair.
- Presentations cannot exceed 5 minutes
Members of Council may ask questions of you following your presentation to seek clarification on the points you have raised. However, the main function of a Public Hearing is to listen to your view.
Council will not debate the merits of the proposed bylaw nor enter into dialogue with the public at the Hearing. There is no opportunity at the hearing to debate points-of-view expressed by other speakers at the meeting.
Written submissions will form part of the public hearing minutes and cannot be received after the Hearing closes. Be sure to submit your letters or written comments before or during the Hearing.
Submissions must be sent to the Chief Administrative Officer and received not less than 1 day prior to the scheduled public hearing or as indicated in the Public Hearing Notice:
- Email:
- Mail: Box 806, Cochrane, AB T4C 1B8
- In Person: Written submissions will be accepted by the Chief Administrative Officer in person on the day of the public hearing. Written submissions will be accepted before and during the public hearing, but no submissions will be accepted after the public hearing adjourns. The names of those people making submissions at this time and their submissions will be included in the meeting minutes.
What to expect at a Public Hearing
- The mayor will call the hearing to order, then invite administration to provide context and background for the matter under consideration.
- If there is an applicant, that person or their agent will be asked by the mayor to present the content of their request. This is the only opportunity for the applicant to speak, unless asked a question by council.
- Council will have an opportunity to ask questions of administration and the applicant.
- The mayor will invite members of the public to speak. Speakers must confine their comments to five minutes, not including time for any questions from council.
- The Chief Administrative Officer will read aloud the names of anyone who supplied written submissions.
- The mayor will give administration an opportunity to provide closing comments.
- The mayor will adjourn the public hearing. Council may not accept any further formal submissions after the hearing closes.
What Happens After the Public Hearing?
Council members cannot accept any further information or submissions after the close of the Public Hearing; this is to allow a fair process as established by provincial case law. If the Public Hearing is held as part of a Special Council Meeting, following the close of the hearing, the Special Council Meeting will resume (that same day/evening) and bylaws may be considered for Second and Third Reading.
Public Hearing Records
After the public hearing adjourns, the Chief Administrative Officer will prepare:
- Minutes of the hearing
The minutes will record:
- The names of administration and the applicant, or representatives of the applicant, who presented at the hearing; and
- The names of the members of the public who provided written and/or verbal submissions, along with a general indication of support or opposition if clear, but not a summary of the verbal presentations.
- Written submissions received from administration, the applicant, and members of the public.
NOTE: All persons making representations are asked to identify themselves, and all submissions received become part of the minutes. Because copies of submissions become part of the minutes, those persons providing them may wish to limit the disclosure of personal information. Contact information included in the written submissions will be removed where possible (e.g., phone number, address, email address, etc.).
Decisions requiring a public hearing
According to the Municipal Government Act of Alberta, council must hold a public hearing before the second reading of a bylaw, or before they vote on a resolution concerning:
- Disposal of municipal and school reserve
- Removal of municipal reserve designation
- Change to environmental reserve use or boundaries
- Land use planning bylaws:
- Land use bylaw and its amendments
- Municipal development plan
- Area structure plans
- Area redevelopment plans
- Intermunicipal development plans