Council passes bylaws which are put into place to meet the needs of residents, determine provisions and resolve issues. Matters include public safety and standards, financial provisions and services. Municipalities are given the authority to enact bylaws under the Province of Alberta through the Municipal Government Act

Council adopts policies to set out objectives, directives and goals pertaining to specific matters and the high level operations of the municipality.

22-03 Public Participation Policy

22-04 Purchasing Policy

22-01 Signing Authority

23-01 Employee, Council & Volunteer Expense

19-04 One Time Grant Policy


Municipal Development Plan

2018 Summer Village of Waiparous Wildfire Mitigation Strategy

Municipal Sustainability Plan

Community FireSmart Plan

2016-17 FireSmart Workplan

2016 Ghost Waiparous Trails System – Resource Mgmt Plan

Fact Sheets

Cannabis Legalization